Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
In this episode, my guest is John Barcanic, CEO and Founder of Intersekt. He shares about the challenges many change-makers face whose ministries do not fit traditional models and who find it hard to follow traditional ministry paths with traditional organizations.
Mr. Barcanic explains how equipping change-makers to bear more fruit allows them to multiply their efforts exponentially.
“The path to your deepest dreams runs through the forest of your greatest fears.” – John Barcanic
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Barriers Women Face When They Embrace Leadership with Carolyn Moore S3 EP#82
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Women are leading powerful ministry movements around the world. When women lead, what are the barriers they face keeping women from realizing or reaching their calling?
In this episode, my guest Carolyn Moore explains the barriers and how she desires to equip a new generation of women to rise up with tools in hand to welcome and advance God's Kingdom on earth.
Carolyn is pastor of Mosaic Church in Evans, Georgia. She has an MDiv and Doctor of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary with a focus on church planting. Carolyn has served as a pastor on staff, focusing on spiritual formation and congregational development. She is the co-host of a podcast and is a published author as well as blogger, writing on topics of holiness, healing, and the supernatural. Visit https://artofholiness.com to learn more.
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Modeling Ministry in Non-church Venues with Jimmie Bratcher S3 EP#81
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
In this episode of the Unconventional Ministry podcast, hear about pastor and musician Jimmie Bratcher’s fresh idea and innovative approach in modeling ministry in non-church venues. They call it “The Ministry of Showing Up!” on Sunday morning preaching in church, and many Saturday nights, you can find Jimmie and his wife Sherri showing up in prisons, clubs, or at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, in world-class music venues, on festival stages, and in churches all over the world.
Jimmie organizes “Transformation Tours” going to prisons in America and many other events annually. Jimmie and Sherri share the power of transformation directly to the hearts of prisoners, at concerts, during biker rallies, at music venues, with the homeless, and everyone that may have otherwise never heard the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus. You can learn more about their work at www.jimmiebratcher.com.
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Does Every Pastor Need a Coach? with Rich Hooper S3 EP#80
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Does your church need a coach? Maybe so! As of March 2022, the percentage of pastors who have considered quitting full-time ministry within the past year is 42% (Barna Group).
In this episode, my guest is Rich Hooper, Founder and CEO of Imagine Three-Twenty. He suggests every pastor, church, and believer needs a coach to help them move off of high-center and become effective in accomplishing their God-given purpose which will help invigorate them to return to vitality.
Mr. Hooper explains how pastors and churches can move past apathy and complacency by bringing objectivity to their vision and mission. Imagine Three-Twenty is focused on helping churches become more vital in their communities by addressing unhealthy areas in their organization. They come alongside to help at the executive level to help get the church pointed in the right direction.
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
A New Model for a Growing Church in West Africa with Joseph Camara S3 EP#79
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
In this episode, my guest is Pastor Joseph Camara, a pastor in Mali, West Africa. While the country of Mali is in the news for the unrest in the country, the real story of the growing church is underreported! Learn how FM radio, television, and social media are vital resources for the local pastors in Mali. As the pastor of one of many churches in the capital city of Bamako, Pastor Camara shares a new model for the growing church in Mali and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Pastor Joseph Camara is a recent International Affiliate Member of Avant Ministries. You can visit their website at www.avantministries.org.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
How has COVID changed mission mobilization? Should local churches take the primary responsibility of sending their people into God’s mission? In this episode, my guest David Wilson, Director of Church Relations at Avant Ministries, shares his insights and expertise in helping the local church taking part in mission mobilization.
"The church doesn't always know that they are welcome to participate in this relationship beyond prayer and sending money…” – David Wilson
Many church and missions mobilization resources are available at www.threestrandpartners.org.
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
The Trauma of Unforgiveness with Pastor Mark Sowersby S3 EP#77
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Is the trauma of unforgiveness holding you to your hurts of the past? In this episode, my guest is Pastor Mark Sowersby. Pastor Mark has written his story in a book called Forgiving the Nightmare, a story of how God’s abounding grace transformed him to set him free from a nightmare of abuse and years of suffering.
Abuse, neglect, and adversity is everywhere in our culture. Many are searching for the answer to how to forgive when you’ve been wounded deeply. In order to be healthy, one must heal from the hurts of the past, but how does one deal with unforgiveness from deep trauma such as Mark experienced through child-abuse? Many people don’t want to deal with it, but the trauma of unforgiveness is holding many people to their hurts.
Pastor Mark Sowersby is an ordained minister with Assembly of God for over 25 years and is currently the pastor of Calvary Community Church in Dudley, Massachusetts. He has been married to wife Jennifer for 18 years and is the father of four children. Pastor Mark holds a BA in theology from Zion Bible College/Northpoint Bible College.
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
In this episode, my guest is Johnny Jalek, Director of Mission & Development at BeLight FM in Beirut, Lebanon.
In a country and region desperately in need of hope, Mr. Jalek explains how BeLight FM is the only evangelical FM radio station in Beirut, Lebanon and the Middle East. BeLight FM is broadcasting hope, reconciliation, and transformation through the message of Jesus Christ 24 hours a day, every day.
Imagine driving your car around Beirut, Lebanon, and listening to Christian FM radio! What was thought to be impossible is now a reality!
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
In this episode, my guest Brooke Wiens discusses the topic "Cultural Adaptability in a Multicultural World (Third Culture Kids – TCKs)." Ms. Wiens holds the title of Emergent Bilingual Teacher in the most diverse elementary schools in the state of Missouri – North Kansas City Schools. She is a traveler, learner, coffee drinker, global thinker, a Third Culture Kid (TCK), and a board member of Interaction International, a ministry focused on providing resources for TCKs.
Third culture kids (TCK) is a term coined by US sociologist Ruth Hill Useem in the 1950s for children who spent a significant part of their developmental years in places that are not their parents’ homeland. Globalization has increased the number of TCKs to over 220 million globally.
Ms. Wiens grew up in West Africa, returning to the US with her family every 4 years. She went through the process of re-entry into the US at the end of her high school years and took this experience with her into her work with the ministry Interaction International and her work as a teacher. Ms. Wiens emphasizes the need to help kids from other cultures feel safe. She sees in her role as a teacher that she is able to connect with families and help kids feel a sense of belonging.
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
In this episode, my guest Dr. Ron Johnson discusses the topic "Practicing a Customer Service Mentality in an Unfriendly World."
Customer relations is the company-wide process of nurturing positive relationships with customers. Every action taken by every person in the business or ministry contributes to or detracts from a positive customer relationship.
Dr. Johnson is the author of the book Customer Service and the Imitation of Christ. Millions of people all over the world work in customer service call centers, often in high-pressure situations. With over 22 years' experience working in call centers, Dr. Johnson learned a number of things about serving Christ in this environment. He has learned how to stay in touch with God while serving others; how to have compassion for those he serves, even when they're angry; how to deal with deadlines and quotas that may not be realistic; how to deal with language barriers; how to rest while working; and how to view his job as part of the larger story of God's activity in all of life. Most of all, he has learned that customer service is an unconventional ministry that's sorely needed in our world.