Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Paul’s Missionary Journey Not Mentioned in Acts – Dr. Mark Fairchild
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Dr. Mark Fairchild, a world-renowned archaeologist, explains the chronology of the Apostle Paul’s time after the Damascus road experience and before his three missionary journeys. Was there an earlier missionary journey?
After Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, his life was imperiled, and he fled to his hometown of Tarsus. There, for the next seven to nine years, the apostle began to share his new faith with people in communities throughout Syria and Cilicia. This early mission of Paul’s was never mentioned in the book of Acts, yet it was here that Paul learned and developed a ministry to non-Jewish people (the Gentiles). Where did Paul go and how did he approach the task?
Since joining the faculty at Huntington University, Dr. Fairchild has made numerous academic contributions to biblical research. A two-hour documentary film entitled “The Last Apostle” followed Fairchild on his travels as he retraced the course of Paul’s journeys through Cyprus and Anatolia.
Visit https://www.ancientbiblicalworld.com for more information.
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
In this episode, hear from Lynnette Horwath, a local church volunteer, and how her church is providing a family restoration and preservation ministry for parents seeking permanency with their children.
Failing parents receive a court mandate to take a parenting class. Secular parenting classes are only marginally successful. “Families Count” (https://lifelinechild.org/families-count/) provides a biblically-based curriculum of parenting classes, which are infused with the love of Christ through a local church.
Lynnette also shares why she was so attracted to volunteer for SAT-7 USA (https://www.sat7usa.org/volunteer/).
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
The Resiliency Factor in Grandparenting - Dr. Ken Canfield
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
In this episode, you will learn about the resiliency factor of grandparenting with my guest Dr. Ken Canfield, founder and CEO of Grandkids Matter and founder of the National Center For Fathering. Dr. Canfield is also an author and researcher.
Research demonstrates that grandchildren thrive when grandparents are proactive in supporting and developing a relationship with their grandchildren, and grandparents thrive when they are actively involved in their grandchildren’s lives. Learn about the importance of attachment and involvement of fathers with grandchildren.
In 1997, after Perestroika and the fall of the Iron Curtain, Dr. Canfield noticed something striking about fathers while lecturing at the Moscow School of Psychology. This understanding now helps in his training of trainers in places like Poland and the Ukraine.
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Creative Use of Drive Time - Tim and Brenda Harder S3 EP#60
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
In this episode, you will hear about Tim and Brenda Harder's creative use of their drive time going to and from their church Emmaus Mennonite Church.
A tradition of reading in their car that started when their children were young continues today even though they are now empty nesters.
The couple recently read through the book Dare to Believe! by SAT-7 Founder and President Dr. Terence Ascott and share their response to the book. They also have read other books from missionaries to be able to better understand the needs of fellow workers in Christ and how they can be encouraged.
Women Who Risk by Tom and JoAnn Doyle was another recommended title.
Additionally, they provide some insight into today’s challenges with farming. And lastly, the impact of grandparent’s and parent’s values are discussed.
How do you creatively use your drive time to church? Let us know in the comments!
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Poverty, Asset-Based Development, and Missions - Leslie Mosher
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
In this episode, you will hear how the tattered pieces of Leslie’s life revealed a divine appointment. For over a decade, Leslie Mosher, founder of the nonprofit Surprised By Hope, has been training asset-based development to church and ministry leaders in the majority world, particularly in East Africa.
Learn how poverty involves more than a lack of material things or money. Poverty involves a lack of dignity, a lack of control, and a lack of influence. Visit www.surprisedbyhope.org to learn more.
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Pro-Life Flourishing - Herbie Newell Lifeline Children Services
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
153 million orphaned and vulnerable children and only half of one percent receive adoption (UNICEF)! In this episode, you will hear Herbie Newell, Executive Director of Lifeline Children Services. The largest evangelical Christian adoption agency, Lifeline Children’s Services explains in a refreshing and practical way the biblical imperative to care for orphans. The ministry’s unconventional approach of caring for human life is not only by being “pro-life” but by “pro-human flourishing.” Herbie is passionate about visiting members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to advocate for orphans and the vulnerable.
A resource library of over 500 articles and videos for information and education for you and your church are available from Lifeline Children Services. Their website is https://lifelinechild.org/. World Orphans Day is celebrated on November 14. The National Sanctity of Human Life Day is January 22 and the National Adoption Day is celebrated every November 19.
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
A Virtual Mission Express Experience - International Ministries
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
In the recent environment of so many restrictions, limited travel, and the world shutting down, International Ministries (IM) found a way to still give their ministry friends that missions trip experience.
In this episode, you will learn how IM is still offering the powerful, life-changing experience of culture exposure, ministry awareness, language, and exposure to the ministry without having to travel. Their creative and innovative approach to offer “Virtual Mission Express Experiences” is allowing them to still accomplish most of their mission trip expectations.
International Ministries is the missions agency for American Baptist Churches. Check out their website at https://www.internationalministries.org/.
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Theology Through Technology with Ray Heinen
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Theology Through Technology for many places is the only way to hear the Gospel. Technology allows isolated Christian communities in some places of the Middle East and North Africa to have accessibility to teaching, worship, church, fellowship, and other Christian resources.
In this episode, learn the role of technology in making the Gospel available to everyone in the MENA region. When you may not be able to send the messenger, you can still send the message! The Middle East broadcaster SAT-7 is stewarding resources to digital media technology and creating even greater accessibility to the indigenous produced broadcast media content, a lifeline for millions! For many, there is no other way for discipleship than through technology. Ray Heinen, Director for Ministry Partnerships (www.sat7usa.org/ray-heinen) with SAT-7 USA explains.
Learn more about SAT-7's ministry at https://www.sat7usa.org/our-work/.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Gathering Diverse Ministries for a Common Purpose - Wayne Pederson S3 EP#55
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Wayne Pederson, Global Ambassador and Executive Liaison for FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company), noticed a need among ministry leaders and ministry CEOs. The solution he offered was innovative and provided a fresh idea. Leaders welcomed the opportunity to collaborate and talk. In this episode, you will learn why gathering diverse ministries for a common purpose is so important. Wayne Pederson explains why ministries are stronger as they collaborate.
Wayne Pederson, a Global Ambassador and Executive Liaison for FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company), former Exec VP of Media - University of Northwestern; former Vice President of Broadcasting - Moody Radio Network; former President CEO - HCJB Global now Reach Beyond; former Leader in National Religious Broadcasters.
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Taking the Mystery Out of Estate Planning with John Frick S3 EP#54
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
You save money, budget, and invest for retirement, all while defaulting to the government for your legacy plan! Why? John Frick, SAT-7 Vice President of Development (www.sat7usa.org/leadership/john-frick), discusses the reasons for this. John shares about a biblical estate plan as well as free resources to help you prepare your own biblical legacy plan that protects your family while being a wise steward of God’s resources. Visit https://www.sat7usa.org/planned-giving/ for mentioned resources.