Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #23 with Bill Rudd
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Dr. Rudd is the author of the 2018 book "Should Women Be Pastors and Leaders In Church? My Journey to Discover What the Bible Says About Gender Roles.” He has experience as both a youth pastor and senior pastor, serving for a combined 52 years in pastoral ministry. His book is based on in-depth research he conducted over the course of five years, concluding that there should be no leadership restrictions based on gender. For more info on his book or to read his personal blog, visit https://www.pastorbillrudd.com/.
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #22 with David Bertolini
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Pastor Dave Bertolini is the Lead Pastor of Grace Community Church in Dallas, OR. He graduated from Western Baptist College (now called Corban University) and was a youth pastor for a few years before coming to Grace Church. He has been involved at Grace Church for over twelve years, starting off as an Associate Pastor and transitioning to Lead Pastor. Grace Church has a 100-year-old history and originally was a Mennonite church. It became non-denominational in the year 2000 to reach a younger generation and is currently undergoing remodeling and expansions. They support SAT-7 and enjoy being a part of the work taking place in missions worldwide.
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #21 with Kurt Buchholz
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Mr. Buchholz is the Chairman and CEO of Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), one of SAT-7’s Partner ministries. He is one of three leaders representing all SAT-7 Partners, on the International Council of SAT-7. Called to the mission field soon after college, he acquired a wealth of international ministry experience, working at a Christian school in Taiwan, Hope Global Ministries in St. Louis, and The Lutheran Malaria Initiative in Baltimore. He desires to see communities impacted for Christ and enjoys being part of LHM, which proclaims the Gospel to over 71 million people worldwide each week.u
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #20 with Todd Nettleton
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Mr. Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Interpretation at Voice of the Martyr (VOM). He produces and hosts the VOM Radio program, which launched five years ago and currently airs weekly on over 950 radio stations. He has been working with VOM for 21 years. VOM is a “field-driven” ministry which provides practical and spiritual assistance to persecuted Christians in over 70 countries. SAT-7 partnered with VOM to make an animated film about the life of Christ which SAT-7 translated into Arabic and Turkish and broadcast on their channels.
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #19 with Dennis Wiens and Ray Heinen
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Dennis and Ray are two of the staff of SAT-7 involved with church connections and development in the US. Dennis, the VP of Ministry Partnerships, joined SAT-7 14 years ago and has much experience traveling, speaking in churches, and attending ministry conferences. Ray is the Director of Ministry Partnerships and has been working with the SAT-7 USA team for 5 years. Ray was born in Egypt and lived in Iraq a decent part of his life. He aided in SAT-7 production in its earlier years and enjoys being a part of the support side of things now. Visit sat7usa.org to connect with Dennis and Ray.
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #18 with Tami Heim
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Ms. Heim is the President and CEO of Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA), an organization specializing in professional nonprofit leadership development. She is a graduate from Purdue University and has a background in retail management, publishing, and web technology. She desires to help nonprofits understand the business side of doing ministry.
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #17 with Pastor Ara Torosian
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Pastor Ara is the Senior Pastor of Grace Iranian Church in Los Angeles. He and his wife came to live in the US nine years ago as refugees, and he became a US citizen four years ago. Before he left Iran, he experienced house arrest for two years for trying to get Bibles into his church. He decided to leave in pursuit of freedom to live out his beliefs and impact the Iranian community in the US. A few unconventional aspects of his ministry with Grace Iranian Church include a soccer fellowship group and children’s Sunday school in Farsi.
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #16 with Essam Nagy
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Mr. Nagy is a Christian television producer and director who worked with SAT-7 to uncover the media story of the refugee girl named Myriam back in 2014. He worked for SAT-7 for 13 years. In the time since he first met Myriam, he has returned to the area multiple times, reuniting Myriam with her friend Sandra and also delivering the cards sent by kids all over the world to Myriam. In his most recent visit this year (in 2019) he was able to see the family back in their home in which they had returned. He directed the new documentary “Sequel of Hope,” continuing Myriam’s story and sharing God’s faithfulness in caring for her family.
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #15 with Clint Hall
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Mr. Hall is the Director of Church Relations for The Sending Project, which focuses on local and global missions. As a retired pastor, he has a passion for missions development work in churches. A key vision for his organization is “Better Together,” as he believes much can be accomplished for God when many churches work in unity towards the same goal. One website people can visit for tools to be a light for Christ in one’s own neighborhood is blesseveryhome.com. Mr. Hall recently had the opportunity to see some of SAT-7’s work being done at the Türk studio.
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Unconventional Ministry #14 with Howard Salter
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
SAT-7’s podcast: Unconventional Ministry sits down for an interview with Howard Salter.
Find out more at www.sat7usa.org/unconventional/.
Mr. Salter has a background in military service (in the infantry in Iraq) and ministry. In his earlier years, he and his wife came out of a cult, which ended up becoming transformed into a more theologically sound, Biblically-based denomination. Mr. Salter joined with this new denomination to help with a church plant of the Belong Church in Orlando, FL. He aims to show God’s love to people who have been hurt by churches in the past, connecting with people in the community and living out the Gospel. He has experience in computer programming and web development, running his own podcast titled “The Ace Report.” He first heard about SAT-7 coming across the Unconventional Ministry podcast in a newsletter.