Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
In the episode, hear Dr. Mark Elliot's first-hand perspectives on what he personally observed and learned during the Asbury University revival in February 2023. What started with spontaneous worship and calls to renewal in the lives of college students turned into tens of thousands of pilgrims making their way to a small town in the middle of Kentucky, which then spilled over onto campuses across America and awakenings across the globe. In Taken By Surprise: The Asbury Revival of 2023, Mark R. Elliott writes as the seasoned historian he is—diving into the what, when, and how behind the revival that may very well be the first of its kind in our digital era. #asburyrevival
With a Ph.D. in modern European and Russian history, Dr. Elliot founded the East-West Church and Ministry Report in 1993. He is now editor emeritus of the report (www.eastwestreport.org)
Previous podcast episodes you will enjoy:
- Episode #93 Listener-Centric Innovation in Christian Radio with David McIver
- Episode #92 Echoing God’s Glory: Where Faith and Fun Collide with Brynden Wiens
- Episode #91 Helping Organizations Grow Through Innovation with Dave Raley
- Episode #90 A Biblical Social Justice for the Orphan and Vulnerable Child with Herbie Newell
- Episode #89 Using Technology to Grow Disciples During the Great Reshuffle with Isaac Johnson
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
An Innovative Sustainable Solution for Church Planting - Sean Benesh S4 EP #130
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
In this episode, learn why most church planting efforts in America fail when the funding stops. Sean Benesh, Founder and CEO of Intrepid Missions, suggests we may need to throw out many of the present “rules” in the church planting ministry. Listen to the episode to learn Sean’s two threads of reasoning as to why a change is needed with American church planting models. Is it time in America to plant churches, make disciples, launch businesses, and jump into economic development endeavors in America with a missionary and entrepreneurial mindset like you would if you were a missionary and entrepreneur in an international location?
Sean has been involved in church planting for nearly 20 years. He is a church planting strategist, author, and professor. He’s written over 20 books related to church planting, cities, and social enterprises. He teaches at Warner Pacific University and is the Program Lead for the Digital Media and Communications program.
Previous podcast episodes you will enjoy:
- Episode #98 Conversational Apologetics That Results in Transformational Relationships with Dr. Fouad Masri
- Episode #97 The 3 Essentials of Transformational Church Growth Capital with Dirk Scates
- Episode #96 An Interactive App That Will Revolutionize Your Family Devotions with Ben Meyers
- Episode #95 Three Important Realities in Global Christian Media with Dr. Craig D. Forrest
- Episode #94 Our Family Christmas Traditions from Living Internationally with Dennis Wiens Family
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
In this episode, learn how Calvary University's innovation is helping the university navigate the waters of the current culture and climate. Society plummets further into moral decay as truth becomes relative and biblical values are pushed by the wayside. The importance and role of Christian higher education cannot be overstated! My guest is John McGee, Chief Development Officer of Calvary University.
Christian colleges and universities face layered challenges as they strive to prepare students to pursue biblical truth and embody a Gospel witness in a fallen world.
In every class and every program, Calvary University is committed to excellence in preparing men and women to live and serve in the Church and in the world according to the biblical worldview. Check out the university’s Conference On Global Engagement (COGC).
At the moment, Calvary University is ranked in the top 30 out of 1,300 colleges and universities in the United States for the lowest student debt upon graduation.
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Retirement – Moving from Conventional to the Extraordinary S4 EP #128
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
In this episode, learn why retirement is not a finish line but a starting point: a moment to transition from the conventional to the extraordinary, from passive years to a period of active service in God's Kingdom. My guest is Bruce Bruinsma, Founder and CEO of The Retirement Reformation.
The Retirement Reformation approach is to shift the understanding of retirement from a traditional perspective. Instead of seeing this phase of life as a winding down and disengaging, The Retirement Reformation envisions it as a time full of potential for active engagement in God's Kingdom.
There are approximately 48 million Christ followers aged 60 and above. Feelings of isolation and loneliness are on the rise, creating significant health challenges. This demographic also represents one of the largest groups leaving the Church today.
Previous Unconventional Ministry Podcast episodes:
- S4 EP#102 Missions Innovation in the Context of Urbanization, Globalization, and Multidirectional Migration with Dr. Jared Loone
- S4 EP#101 Pastor Retirement – Why Too Few Plan or Prepare with Mark Senseman
- S4 EP#100 Finding Meaning in the Midst of Personal Tragedy with Beth Thorpe
- S4 EP#99 Overcoming Fear to Meet a Refugee’s Biggest Need with Lisa Prejean
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Building Blocks for a Culture of Trust with Cory Scheer S4 EP #127
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Research shows that trust is at an all-time low. In nearly all industries, over the last few years, research shows there's been a decline in trust, both individually and in the marketplace.
In this episode, learn from TrustCentric Consulting Founder and CEO Cory Scheer about the building blocks of trust. While trust is one of the most common words in English, it’s also commonly misunderstood. Trust is one of the most important aspects of relationships.
Learn proven strategies to help you build back trust and thrive in a trust-declining culture. Whether you're building trust with clients, colleagues, or loved ones, it takes intentional effort and a commitment to authenticity.
The TrustCentric Organizational Trust Assessment helps organizations understand the current level of trust among employees, teams, and leaders. Much more actionable than an employee satisfaction survey, the organizational trust assessment reveals tangible and practical ways to build trust so that organizations can become more healthy.
Previous Podcast Episodes:
#123 Saying Yes to God before the Question - Rick McKinney
#124 From Planting Corn to Planting Churches – Cultivating the “Back 40”- Kurt Busenitz
#125 Finally, a Reformatted Readable Bible – Rod Laughlin
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Six Practices to Healthy Venting - Ben Stapley S4 EP #126
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
In this episode, learn six practices to healthy venting from Pastor Ben Stapley. Did you know that venting your feelings can be healthy and helpful? However, it does not always work this way as venting our feelings becomes toxic and unhealthy.
While sweeping emotions under the carpet is not healthy in our personal or professional lives, neither is the toxic environment of oversharing and venting our feelings.
A healthy venting session occurs when the listener supports the person venting by offering supportive responses, empathy for their situation, and actively listening. Venting is a healthy and helpful exchange between two or more people.
For over 20 years, Ben Shapley has worked in pastoring, preaching, speaking, and blogging. He consults churches and discusses leadership, communication, and creativity at conferences. Read his blog for more ideas: https://www.benstapley.com/
Previous podcast episodes you will enjoy:
- Episode #107 Music’s Powerful Force in Healing People From Trauma with Dr. Connie Fortunato
- Episode #106 How to Provide Spiritual Trauma Relief in Natural Disasters with Dr. Rex Rogers
- Episode #105 Ending the Epidemic of Poor Vision in the Developing World With Greg Wiens
- Episode #104 The Missing Ingredient to Desired Significant Relationships with Derrick Steele
- Episode #103 A Deaf-led Sustainable Church Planting Movement with Dr. Ron Myers
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Finally, a Reformatted Readable Bible – Rod Laughlin S4 EP #125
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
In the episode, learn how Rod Laughlin’s insatiable desire to acquaint friends and strangers with the Bible devoted years of his life to developing The Readable Bible. The first complete format update of the Bible in over one hundred years! Accurate. Approachable. Understandable. Groundbreaking.
During the past two hundred years, more than a dozen new formats have been developed to make information easier to read. Yet, Bibles are still using plain text in paragraphs. The 23 types of information found in the Readable Bible are now presented in the 17 formats that are standard in today’s non-fiction books. This update makes accessing and engaging with the timeless teachings of God’s Word easier than ever.
The Readable Bible is available to purchase via Ironstream Media.
Previous Podcast Episodes:
- Episode #112 International Development, How You Help Matters - Tim Brokopp
- Episode #111 Christian Media in Hard-To-Reach Places - Dr. Ron Harris
- Episode #110 Lessons Learned Visiting 57 Immigrant Churches - John Yoder
- Episode #109 Simply Put – How Jesus Saves Us - Dr. Joshua McNall
- Episode #108 A Ministry Game Changer for On-The-Go Audiences - Shady Francis
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
From Planting Corn to Planting Churches – Cultivating the “Back 40” S4 EP #124
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
In this episode, Kurt Busenitz talks about his struggle with the tension of legacy he felt when he left farming to plant churches. With a lack of vibrant, gospel-preaching churches in many rural communities in America, Kurt and Deana, with RHMA, have identified towns in need of a church plant and seek to establish a church there. Tune in to hear Kurt's inspiring story and learn more about the importance of planting churches in underserved and mostly rural communities.
RHMA seeks to impact 40 unreached rural communities in the next 10 years by planning gospel proclaiming, Bible teaching, community engaging, and dynamically reproducing churches. This initiative is called “The Back 40 Unreached Initiative."
In farming, the back 40 is the remote part of a farm or inaccessible part of any place, an uncultivated or undeveloped piece of land of indefinite size. Learn how you can pray for RHMA's "Back 40 Unreached Initiative."
Previous podcast episodes you will enjoy:
- Episode #117 Keeping Kids Connected in Deployed Military Families
- Episode #116 Extending Christian Radio Broadcasting Through Digital Technology
- Episode #115 Triaging Competing Voices – The Sound of Leadership
- Episode #114 Sharing Hope Through the Sports Philanthropy Network
- Episode #113 Revolutionizing Church Mission Displays – Creating an Interactive Experience
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Saying Yes to God before the Question with Rick McKinney S4 EP#123
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
In this episode, learn how Rick and Jane McKinney learned to say yes to God before hearing the question. You will better understand from their experience how obedience to God is where a lot of our walk with God hinges.
Rick explains their incredible story about their 6-month trek to share their faith and pray for our nation as they walked across America. While they walked 2,770 miles, over 5 million steps each, it was more about the stops and conversations than the steps they each took.
Once described as “mavericks,” Rick and Jane have literally stepped out into the unknown to embrace God’s call and have experienced God’s presence in a way that only comes through a life of obedience. Whether planting and pastoring churches, traveling the world to perform concerts, building a house in Mexico, or traveling from village to village in India, they had followed God’s voice as He led them forward, one step at a time, even when God asked them to walk across America!
Their story of their walk with God is in their new book And … So We Walked: The Inspirational Story of a Couple’s Walk Across America. This book and many other resources are available at: https://andsowewalked.org/.
Previous podcast episodes you will enjoy:
- Episode #122 With Cancer So Prevalent, Why Do Churches Lack a Cancer Ministry?
- Episode #121 Advanced Tech Tools, Artificial Intelligence, and the Church
- Episode #120 A Retirement Hobby - Dennis Wiens
- Episode #119 Why Culture Listens Better to Artists Than to Preachers
- Episode #118 Generation Z and Their Apologetic of Action
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
In this episode, learn how Kerri Steele, married with three young children, struggles through her husband's passing at only age 32 with a rare cancer diagnosis. Widowed with no job and three young children, she did not know where to go for help. Amazingly, in the US, 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will develop cancer in their lifetime. With cancer the second most common cause of death in the US, why do so few churches have a church cancer ministry?
Learn how God set in Kerri's heart that while she could not keep her children from pain, she could walk with them through the pain and hardship of the passing of Will, their father. That experience has led Kerri to establish the Little Hearts of Hope ministry and help others going through cancer and the death of a spouse.
Kerri determined to teach her children how to turn to God in the midst of hard times instead of trying to pretend like it's not as bad as it is or being on the opposite end, completely overcome with grief that they can't do anything. #cancer #church #ministry