Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Saying Yes to God before the Question with Rick McKinney S4 EP#123
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
In this episode, learn how Rick and Jane McKinney learned to say yes to God before hearing the question. You will better understand from their experience how obedience to God is where a lot of our walk with God hinges.
Rick explains their incredible story about their 6-month trek to share their faith and pray for our nation as they walked across America. While they walked 2,770 miles, over 5 million steps each, it was more about the stops and conversations than the steps they each took.
Once described as “mavericks,” Rick and Jane have literally stepped out into the unknown to embrace God’s call and have experienced God’s presence in a way that only comes through a life of obedience. Whether planting and pastoring churches, traveling the world to perform concerts, building a house in Mexico, or traveling from village to village in India, they had followed God’s voice as He led them forward, one step at a time, even when God asked them to walk across America!
Their story of their walk with God is in their new book And … So We Walked: The Inspirational Story of a Couple’s Walk Across America. This book and many other resources are available at: https://andsowewalked.org/.
Previous podcast episodes you will enjoy:
- Episode #122 With Cancer So Prevalent, Why Do Churches Lack a Cancer Ministry?
- Episode #121 Advanced Tech Tools, Artificial Intelligence, and the Church
- Episode #120 A Retirement Hobby - Dennis Wiens
- Episode #119 Why Culture Listens Better to Artists Than to Preachers
- Episode #118 Generation Z and Their Apologetic of Action
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
In this episode, learn how Kerri Steele, married with three young children, struggles through her husband's passing at only age 32 with a rare cancer diagnosis. Widowed with no job and three young children, she did not know where to go for help. Amazingly, in the US, 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will develop cancer in their lifetime. With cancer the second most common cause of death in the US, why do so few churches have a church cancer ministry?
Learn how God set in Kerri's heart that while she could not keep her children from pain, she could walk with them through the pain and hardship of the passing of Will, their father. That experience has led Kerri to establish the Little Hearts of Hope ministry and help others going through cancer and the death of a spouse.
Kerri determined to teach her children how to turn to God in the midst of hard times instead of trying to pretend like it's not as bad as it is or being on the opposite end, completely overcome with grief that they can't do anything. #cancer #church #ministry
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
In this episode, understand how AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be used by the Church and other ministries. Jon Hirst with SIL International explains some of the advanced tech tools being used and how AI adds value.
Jon explains the premise of AI having a computer do something that a human would have normally done. "Narrow intelligence" is a type of AI that is specific to a certain task it does for you. On the other hand, there is what's called "artificial general intelligence," which is what most people are talking about today when they talk about AI. It's the ability of a computer to do things that humans would do in a variety of areas of life. It feels real even though it's not something that is real or sentient. How can AI help ministries?
Learn how ministry's innovators are coming together to discuss the ethics of AI as well as the proper role of it. Learn how they can work together in intentional AI model training to have trusted AI models for ministry without embedded biases, unbiblical ideologies, and prejudices.
Other Resources:
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
A Retirement Hobby - Dennis Wiens S4 EP#120
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
In this week's episode, learn how Dennis Wiens found his retirement hobby. As Dennis approached retirement age, various people had numerous suggestions of various hobbies he could consider doing in his retirement. None seemed to appeal to or fit his skill set and experience.
One aspect of his work with SAT-7 USA is the opportunity to travel and do networking. He enjoys meeting new people, hearing their stories, and learning from them. During his travels, he has found it inspiring to see how God works through so many people across America in fun, engaging, innovative, and creative ways! After hearing so many stories, Dennis decided to share his encounters through podcasting.
Each Tuesday, there is a new episode of the Unconventional Ministry Podcast hosted by Dennis. The podcast is a conversation about fresh ministry ideas, new approaches, and collaborative efforts.
Dennis also is the host of the SAT-7 USA's Beyond Borders Prayer Zoom, a monthly meeting connecting ministry partners and friends of the ministry with on-the-ground SAT-7 staff from the Middle East and North Africa. It is a time to hear firsthand about the challenges of ministering in a region where 97% of people are non-Christian and how to pray more effectively to make God’s love visible. Here is a link to register for the monthly Beyond Borders Prayer Zoom.
Check out all of the past Unconventional Ministry Podcast episodes here.
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
In this episode, learn why today’s culture listens better to artists than to preachers. The guest Rev. Dr. Byron Spradlin, Founder and CEO of ACT International. The American Church has not always adequately understood and embraced artistic people, strategies, and methods; consequently, there are few places that integrate innovative and artistic ministry people into the life and ministry of the Church. A biblical definition of the term "craftsman" is a person unusually wise at imaginative design or expression. The Church needs imaginative expression specialists and ministerial strategists.
The Church is losing the assets of some of the Church’s most powerful and effective servants.
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Generation Z and Their Apologetic of Action with Brian Grasso S4 Ep#118
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
In this episode, hear about the inspiring work of Simple Charity and their mission to inspire Christian college students to live in solidarity with people experiencing poverty and injustice. Words are not enough – Gen Z needs an apologetic of action! Featured in the podcast episode is co-founder Brian Grasso who discusses the organization's approach to living out six practices of trust, gratitude, prayer, fasting, giving, and service.
Learn valuable insights into how to evaluate charity nonprofits that are truly making a difference in serving the poor and advancing God's Kingdom by sharing the criteria that Simple Charity uses to select their partner organizations. Simple Charity believes that, as Christians, we are responsible for serving those in need and working towards a more just society. We do this by partnering with organizations that are making a real difference in the lives of the poor and by providing opportunities for students to get involved in service projects and advocacy efforts.
#socialaction #community #volunteer #getinvolved #socialchange #generationz #genz
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
In this episode, learn about the war being waged on our children. They are being negatively influenced in school, at home, and on the internet. This is especially true of the 1,200,000 million military children of active-duty members worldwide and the nearly 2 million “total-force dependent children.” Military children struggle with 3 things: depression, loneliness, and bullying.
My guest is Mitchell Aguirre, the founder of a unique approach to changing these statistics. Mitch founded the Keeping Kids Connected ministry as the nonprofit arm of Adventures Of, his for-profit company that helps adults stay connected to kids long-distance.
Their initial campaign is targeting 840,000 military kids between the ages of 3 – 11. They use personalized and customized adventure stories where a child and parent become the main characters. Instead of the child receiving a complete book at one time, they receive one chapter every three weeks for an entire year.
The Christian-themed stories teach kids godly principles and lessons while experiencing adventures, challenges, and fun. This brings them closer to their parent and Jesus Christ.
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
In this episode, learn how Teddy Caputo, Digital Media Director, and Mars Hill Network is modernizing through digital technology. Hear about how blending the established radio with new digital media expands their impact and reach to new audiences and meets the needs of their growing audience.
Learn what their challenges are in establishing digital media for a traditional radio ministry. Their multi-faceted digital media approach, like their Faith Feature video series, brings hope to the journey from wherever you are. Teddy interviews Christian community members about their faith & personal testimony in Jesus Christ, how their faith helps them get through their life challenges, and how God is leading His followers in ministry.
#UnconventionalMinistry #christianradio #christianmusic #radio #DigitalTechnology #MarsHillNetwork #hopeinthejourney
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Jules Glanzer shares insights from his many years of experience in leadership, both in the Church as well as in Christian higher education. Looking at the 7 basic sectors of society: family, entertainment, media, business, religion, education, and government, Dr. Glanzer shares his thoughts on:
- Where is leadership in America today?
- Is there a crisis of leadership?
- How is the American church being impacted?
- 3 basic differences between a person who is driven by kingdom leadership versus various types of marketplace leadership.
His book Sound of Leadership shares his kingdom notes to fine-tune your life and influence. Available at https://www.inviteresources.com/lp/sound-of-leadership-landing.
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
In this episode, my guest Kayla Bradham shares how the Sports Philanthropy Network works with professional athletes. Their mission is to assist athletes, teams, leagues and other sports organizations in harnessing the power of sports to create hope and possibility. Kayla shares how many of the athletes have great faith, and most people will never hear about the great work they are doing or WHY they are doing it.
Learn why Kayla thinks she has the best job in the world. If it’s your vision, it’s your mission!
#sportsphilanthropy #sports #hope #purpose #unconventionalministry